Correct way to setup a package with both compiled C code and Python code?

Christian Gollwitzer auriocus at
Mon Feb 7 14:33:31 EST 2022

Hi all,

we've developed a Python pacakge which consists of both a compiled 
extension module and some helper functions in Python. Is there a 
tutorial on how to package such an extension?

Most resources I found for distutils describe either building an 
extension or pure python modules. Currently I have a structure like this:


The Makefile compiles the C code and creates ABCD/, which 
"" then imports. This works, but not e.g. on Windows and it's not 
integrated into pip, of course.

We're soon going to publish the package as open source code and it would 
be great to do "pip install ABCD" ultimately. Is there a simple example 
out there how to achieve this?

Additionally, we use OpenMP in the C code for parallelism. This is easy 
in the Makefile, one has to pass "-fopenmp" to gcc and "/openmp" to 
msvc. Is there a way to set this flag automatically depending on the 

Best regards,


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