FTP without username and password

Grant Edwards grant.b.edwards at gmail.com
Tue Dec 6 15:11:34 EST 2022

On 2022-12-06, ^Bart <gabriele1NOSPAM at hotmail.com> wrote:
>> In general, "anonymous FTP" is done technically with a username and
>> password. Can you look at how the device tries to connect, and then
>> make that username (probably "anonymous") and that password (could be
>> anything, traditionally was an email address) valid for fetching?
> Thanks for your reply, I needed a TFTP to upload a no brand firmware in 
> a Wildix antenna, I solved with a free software of SolarWinds, there's 
> something also for Linux!
> I tried the written Python code but it needs to insert a username and 
> password so it's a different service than TFTP but maybe there's also a 
> code to do it in Python! ;)

The Python code you showed was implementing an FTP server. That's a
completely different protocol from TFTP. There are TFTP
implementations for Pythong. This one works well: https://github.com/msoulier/tftpy


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