How to make a variable's late binding crosses the module boundary?

dn PythonList at
Tue Aug 30 17:52:03 EDT 2022

On 31/08/2022 05.26, Schachner, Joseph (US) wrote:
> The way we do this, is in, call a "globalizer" function in each other file:
>     # call globalizers to get shortcuts as global variables
>     funcs.globalizer(interface, variable_dict)
>     util.globalizer(interface, variable_dict)
>     sd.globalizer(interface, variable_dict)
>     tests.globalizer(interface, variable_dict)
>     ut.globalizer(interface, variable_dict)
> Obviously, you may not need a shared interface in which case you can just pass the variable dictionary.
> In each file, you have a function:
> def globalizer(interface, variables_dict):
>     # create global variables for this .py file for shared interface and the variables
>     ....
> This works well, making sure separate python files shared exactly the same things we want to be global.
> ---- Joseph S.
> Teledyne Confidential; Commercially Sensitive Business Data
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Stefan Ram <ram at> 
> Sent: Tuesday, August 30, 2022 1:09 AM
> To: python-list at
> Subject: Re: How to make a variable's late binding crosses the module boundary?
> dn <PythonList at> writes:
>> Build as:
>> ***
>> def func():
>>    pass
>> ***
>> then in the terminal:
>> ***
>> Python 3.9.13 (main, May 18 2022, 00:00:00) [GCC 11.3.1 20220421 (Red 
>> Hat 11.3.1-2)] on linux Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or 
>> "license" for more information.
>>>>> from module import func as f
>   In CPython one then can also:
> print( f.__globals__[ "CONSTANT" ])
> import sys
> module = sys.modules[ f.__globals__[ "__name__" ]] print( module.CONSTANT ) CONSTANT = module.CONSTANT print( CONSTANT )

The conversation seems to be wandering some way from the OP. Whereas
both of these answers are clever (and I assume work), the question
becomes: why would you want to do this? (especially as it looks ugly and
'smells' a bit convoluted). An example use-case from your experience?

Delving into the list-archive, to get back to the OP: the first message
in the thread quotes another message that's (apparently) not present.

However, in there somewhere is:

> from test import *

So, the elephant-in-the-room has always been a very stinky 'code-smell'
- which pretty much every text or web-tutorial will say is a bad idea.

Why is a bad idea?
Why is it there then?
When to use it?
[Socratic questioning]

Same question, but the other way around: why has Python been equipped
with modules, classes, functions, etc? To quote The Zen of Python:
"Namespaces are one honking great idea -- let's do more of those!".
Programming paradigms and architectural principles all contain reference
and recommendation to independent code-units, coupling and cohesion,
boundary crossing and interfaces (etc). Python doesn't enact a formal
interface construct (thank you great, high, Python, gods!), but that
doesn't remove the issues behind them (as the OP-code demonstrates).
Instead it requires a Python-idiomatic approach.

Should the question be: "how to I smash two namespaces into one and have
it work 'my way'?", or should the question become "how does Python
enable passing/retention of values between namespaces?".

NB The OP likely reduced the 'problem' to 'minimum-code' for the benefit
of the list, but what is the motivation behind it? Why would one want to
be able to do this? Rationale? Use-case?

Enquiring minds and all that...

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