on GNU EMACS's python-mode, loading entire buffer

Meredith Montgomery mmontgomery at levado.to
Mon Aug 29 14:18:24 EDT 2022

Perhaps this isn't the right newsgroup, but I kinda feel I will find
more GNU EMACS users running the native python-mode here than in GNU
EMACS newsgroups.  Not every GNU EMACS user cares about Python.

A sort of a complaint is that when I used to run GNU EMACS 24.3.1, I'd
open a file.py and simply say C-c C-c and it would ask me if I wanted a
dedicated process, load a REPL load my entire buffer.

Now in 27.1, things are different.  I say C-c C-c and it tells me to
start the process with C-c C-p.  I mean --- is that the most polite
thing to do?  I feel like it's telling me --- go send this buffer

I also don't know how to start a dedicated process.  (Sometimes I want
two REPLs.  You know, you can get never get enough.)

I would bet all of this and more is available, but I don't even know
which book to read.  Would you point me in the right direction?

I would also be interested in a command that restarts the REPL afresh
and reloads my buffer --- sort of like keyboard's [F5] of the IDLE.

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