Python scripts in .exe form

Jim Schwartz jschwar at
Sat Aug 20 09:25:01 EDT 2022

What method did you use to create the exe file from your python scripts?  If it was pyinstaller, then it puts the compiled versions of these python scripts in a windows temp folder when you run them. You’ll be able to get the scripts from there. 

Sent from my iPhone

> On Aug 19, 2022, at 9:51 PM, Mona Lee <monamlee00 at> wrote:
> I'm pretty new to Python, and I had to do some tinkering because I was running into issues with trying to download a package from PIP and must've caused some issues in my program that I don't know how to fix
> 1. It started when I was unable to update PIP to the newest version because of some "Unknown error" (VS Code error - unable to read file - (Unknown(FileSystemError) where I believe some file was not saved in the right location? 
> 2. In my command line on VS code there used to be the prefix that looked something like "PS C:\Users\[name]>" but now it is "PS C:\Users\[name]\AppData\Local\Packages\PythonSoftwareFoundation.Python.3.10_qbz5n2kfra8p0\LocalCache\local-packages\Python310\Scripts>
> From there I redownloaded my VS code but still have the 2) issue.
> also, my scripts are now in the .exe form that I cannot access because "it is either binary or in a unsupported text encoding" I've tried to extract it back into the .py form using pyinstxtractor and decompile-python3 but I can't successfully work these.
> 3. also wanted to mention that some of my old Python programs are missing.
> -- 

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