Which linux distro is more conducive for learning the Python programming language?

Turritopsis Dohrnii Teo En Ming ceo at teo-en-ming-corp.com
Wed Aug 3 22:01:24 EDT 2022

Subject: Which linux distro is more conducive for learning the Python 
programming language?

Good day from Singapore,

May I know which linux distro is more conducive for learning the Python 
programming language?

Since I have absolutely and totally FREE RHEL developer subscription (I 
don't need to spend a single cent), can I use Red Hat Enterprise Linux 
version 9.0 to learn Python?

Is it the most popular linux distro for learning Python?

I just want to know which linux distro and version is more conducive for 
learning Python. Because there are thousands of linux distros out there. 
And I just want to settle down on a particular linux distro and version.

Thank you.


Mr. Turritopsis Dohrnii Teo En Ming
Targeted Individual in Singapore
4 Aug 2022 Thursday

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