python 3.9.5

boB Stepp robertvstepp at
Mon May 31 22:34:01 EDT 2021

On Mon, May 31, 2021 at 8:43 AM said ganoune <ganoune66 at> wrote:
> Hi
> Just installed python 3.9.5 in my HP laptop, cant open it.
> Laptop hp I3 running with windows 10.

Did you try going to your Start Menu list of programs?  There should
be a Python folder.  Click to expand.  Click on IDLE to open an
IDE-like environment where you can either write Python program files
and run them or instead type Python commands into the interpreter
after the ">>>" prompt.

Or you can click on Python 3.9 which will take you to a Windows
terminal-like window (cmd.exe) and present you with the Python
interpreter and the ">>>" prompt for typing in Python commands.

Hope this helps!
boB Stepp

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