How to iterate through maildir messages in python 3?

Chris Green cl at
Fri Jun 25 04:19:49 EDT 2021

Greg Ewing <greg.ewing at> wrote:
> On 25/06/21 7:06 am, Chris Green wrote:
> > In python 2 one can do:-
> > 
> >     for msg in maildir:
> >            print msg      # or whatever you want to do with the message
> > 
> > 
> > However in python 3 this produces "TypeError: string argument
> > expected, got 'bytes'".
> > 
> > How should one iterate over a maildir in python3?
> You're already iterating over it just fine. Your problem is
> actually how to *print* a mail message.
> The answer to this will depend on what your purpose is. If
> you just want a rough-and-ready idea of what the message
> contains, you could do this:
>     print(repr(msg))
> However, that won't work very well if the message doesn't
> consist of mostly text in an ASCII-compatible encoding.
> If you want something better, Python comes with some standard
> library code for dealing with mail messages. Check out the
> 'email' module.
The error comes from the line "for msg in maildir:", not the print.

Here's the full program where I'm encountering the error (yes, I
should have posted this first time around) :-


    import mailbox
    import sys
    import email

    #    open the existing maildir and the target mbox file
    maildir = mailbox.Maildir(sys.argv [-2], email.message_from_file)
    mbox = mailbox.mbox(sys.argv[-1])

    #    lock the mbox

    #    iterate over messages in the maildir and add to the mbox
    for msg in maildir:

    #    close and unlock

(... and it's not my coding style, just copied)

Here's the error trace:-

    chris$ ./ houseSitting fred
    Traceback (most recent call last):
      File "/home/chris/tmp/./", line 18, in <module>
        for msg in maildir:
      File "/usr/lib/python3.9/", line 110, in itervalues
        value = self[key]
      File "/usr/lib/python3.9/", line 77, in __getitem__
        return self._factory(file)
      File "/usr/lib/python3.9/email/", line 54, in message_from_file
        return Parser(*args, **kws).parse(fp)
      File "/usr/lib/python3.9/email/", line 56, in parse
      File "/usr/lib/python3.9/email/", line 175, in feed
      File "/usr/lib/python3.9/email/", line 103, in push
    TypeError: string argument expected, got 'bytes'

Line 18 is the "for msg in maildir:".

Presumably the program worked as posted under python 2, all I have
done is to change the shebang line to use python 3 (I no longer have
python 2 on my system, otherwise I'd have used it as this is only a
quick and dirty conversion script to be used once).

Chris Green

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