a clean exit

Dieter Maurer dieter at handshake.de
Thu Jul 29 12:11:44 EDT 2021

jak wrote at 2021-7-29 00:07 +0200:
> ...
>Thanks to both of you for the replies. I know the rules you described to
>me for process synchronization but unfortunately, due to the structure
>of the library I am using, I cannot apply them. I can't even use
>try/except because the library, when the error occurs, displays it with
>the loggin libraries and no longer calls any of the callback functions
>my program is composed of.

I assume that you are using a class deriving from a library class
where your application is defined by methods on this class.
Look at the library class's code. Almost surely, the error
in handled by one of its methods. Override this method in
your class as necessary.


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