Subtle difference between any(a list) and any(a generator) with Python 3.9

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Thu Jul 29 05:39:30 EDT 2021


Reading PEP572 about Python 3.9 assignment expressions,
I discovered a subtle difference between any(a list)
and any(a generator)


 >>> lines = ["azerty", "#qsdfgh", "wxcvbn"]
 >>> any((comment := line).startswith('#') for line in lines)
 >>> comment

 >>> any([(comment := line).startswith('#') for line in lines])
 >>> comment

The two code snippets which seems very similar provide a
different value for "comment".

When "any" deals with a generator, it stops as soon it finds
a True value and returns True.

When "any" deals with a list, the whole list is calculated
first, and then "any" looks for a True.

Before 3.9 and the walrus operator, the two ways always provide
the same result, in a faster way with a generator.

With 3.9 and the walrus operator, result can be different

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