i just moved from bottleframework to flask. I changes what needed to be altered to convert the code and when i run it i just get "Internal server error" Running tail -f ../logs/error_log i get no errors. How can i find out what is the culprit here?

Menno Holscher mennoholscher at gmail.com
Thu Jul 8 15:50:29 EDT 2021

Op 08-07-2021 om 15:42 schreef vergos.... at gmail.com:
> i just moved from bottleframework to flask. I changes what needed to be altered to convert the code and when i run it i just get "Internal server error"
This error is the error any web site shows when the code of your 
application has an error.
> How can i find out what is the culprit here?
>      [nikos at superhost wsgi]$ export FLASK_APP=www.py
>      [nikos at superhost wsgi]$ export FLASK_ENV=development
>      [nikos at superhost wsgi]$ flask run
>       * Serving Flask app 'www.py' (lazy loading)
>       * Environment: development
>       * Debug mode: on
>      Usage: flask run [OPTIONS]
>      Try 'flask run --help' for help.
>      Error: While importing 'www', an ImportError was raised:
>      Traceback (most recent call last):
>        File "/usr/local/lib/python3.6/site-packages/flask/cli.py", line 256, in locate_app
>          __import__(module_name)
>        File "/home/nikos/wsgi/www.py", line 4, in <module>
>          import counters
>        File "/home/nikos/wsgi/counters.py", line 6, in <module>
>          from flask import run, route, request, redirect
>      ImportError: cannot import name 'run'
When I import flask in the REPL (the Python command processor) and look 
at what it exports:

 >>> import flask
 >>> dir(flask)
['Blueprint', 'Config', 'Flask', 'Markup', 'Request', 'Response', 
'Session', '__builtins__', '__cached__', '__doc__', '__file__', 
'__loader__', '__name__', '__package__', '__path__', '__spec__', 
'__version__', '_app_ctx_stack', '_compat', '_request_ctx_stack', 
'abort', 'after_this_request', 'app', 'appcontext_popped', 
'appcontext_pushed', 'appcontext_tearing_down', 
'before_render_template', 'blueprints', 'cli', 'config', 
'copy_current_request_context', 'ctx', 'current_app', 'escape', 'flash', 
'g', 'get_flashed_messages', 'get_template_attribute', 'globals', 
'got_request_exception', 'has_app_context', 'has_request_context', 
'helpers', 'json', 'json_available', 'jsonify', 'make_response', 
'message_flashed', 'redirect', 'render_template', 
'render_template_string', 'request', 'request_finished', 
'request_started', 'request_tearing_down', 'safe_join', 'send_file', 
'send_from_directory', 'session', 'sessions', 'signals', 
'signals_available', 'stream_with_context', 'template_rendered', 
'templating', 'url_for', 'wrappers']
... there is no "run" there. What were you trying to achieve?

If you are thinking about the "flask run" mentioned in startup, that is 
a bash/cmd command, an easy way to start the server from the command line:

(venv):~/python/debtors> export FLASK_APP=debtors ; flask run
  * Serving Flask app "debtors"
  * Environment: production
    WARNING: This is a development server. Do not use it in a production 
    Use a production WSGI server instead.
  * Debug mode: off
  * Running on (Press CTRL+C to quit)

Met vriendelijke groet / Kind regards

Menno Hölscher

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