Python 2.7 and 3.9

Ethan Furman ethan at
Tue Feb 16 15:19:23 EST 2021

On 2/16/21 12:09 PM, Kevin M. Wilson via Python-list wrote:

> My employer has hundreds of scripts in 2.7, but I'm writing new scripts in 3.9! I'm running into 'invalid syntax' errors.I have to maintain the 'Legacy' stuff, and I need to mod the path et al., to execute 3.7 w/o doing damage to the 'Legacy' stuff...IDEA' are Welcome!

My first idea/request: have a blank line, a line with only a '--' 
(without quotes), and then your signature at the bottom of your posts. 
White space aids readability and readability counts.  :)

How are those scripts being run?  Microsoft Windows or Unix/Linux/BSD?

Typically, the first line of a script will say which version of Python 
is needed.  For example, on a *nix type system:



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