FW: pip Error

Sidharth S Nair ninjagaming107gamer at gmail.com
Sat Dec 11 02:35:25 EST 2021



   Sent from [1]Mail for Windows


   From: [2]Sidharth S Nair
   Sent: 11 December 2021 01:00 PM
   To: [3]python-list at python.org
   Subject: pip Error




   Sent from [4]Mail for Windows


   Hi, I am NINJAGAMING107 a active python user and lately I have been trying
   to make my own personal AI assistant but I am not able to make because I
   am not able to import Speech Recognition and some other more. The error
   says module not found even though in my folder where I installed python
   and the packages there is a folder of speech recognition and the rest of
   the things which I installed. I used Pycharm and VS code for this still
   not working. If there is any way to fix this please tell me or if I am
   doing the installation wrong please tell me. Hope that you will reply to


   Thank you in advance.



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