Python download problem

Talin Alnaber taleen92 at
Wed Sep 9 05:23:25 EDT 2020

Good evening,
I would like to ask for help regarding Python installation ,
I'm a beginner and I would like to challenge myself to start coding using Python language , but unfortunately I'm having problems while installing it ,
I used to install the latest Windows version of Python ( 3.8.5) on my Windows 10 64 bit computer , after clicking on this link to download the file Windows (x86-64 executable installer) I opened it and check the boxes

 , I continued with the steps until it was successfully downloaded .
After that I opened CMD and this screen appeared for me

I wrote python --version then enter and I got error
'python' is not recognized as an internal or external command,operable program or batch file.

I tried to fix it following these steps as the following
Edit the system environment variables>>environment variables >>Path >>edit>>browse .exe path C:\Program Files\Python38>>ok
(this is the link that I paste in the path)
C:\Program Files\Python38

and same problem occurred .
I opened Python IDLE , then I wrote Print("HI") >> enter , and I got HI as a result

Does that mean that it is python is working fine on my PC and if yes , can I use IDLE to run the future scripts instead of CMD or I need to fix the CMD ?

Thank you

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