How to run Jupyter notebook in command line and get full error message?

Skip Montanaro skip.montanaro at
Sun Nov 29 07:07:29 EST 2020

> My VPN keeps dropping and can not run Jupyter Notebook as it is.

You don't provide a lot of detail, but this seems similar to the kind of
flaky networking we used to deal with in the Before Times. Simply
connecting directly to a host over the Internet was often plagued by
disconnects. For that we used screen(1). You don't mention your operating
system. It's available for most/all Linux systems and Macs. If you're on
Windows I imagine you could get it using WSL.

Of course, I might be way off-base focusing on just the above statement
from your post. If so, you might want to provide some more details about
your problem.


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