Strange terminal behavior after quitting Tkinter application

Christian Gollwitzer auriocus at
Wed Nov 4 01:34:24 EST 2020

Am 03.11.20 um 23:34 schrieb Dennis Lee Bieber:

> 	Out of curiosity, does Python on Linux honor the .pyw extension?
> 	On Windows, .pyw indicates a Python program that implements a GUI and
> will NOT make use of console (stdin/stdout/stderr).

On Linux, there is no such distinction. On Windows it is only needed 
because, if you connect stdin/out, a terminal window pops up. >For a 
true GUI program that is notr acceptable, the user will be puzzled what 
this ugly useless window wants to do, and therefore a flag in the EXE 
file format indicates to Windows if it should pop up the console or not.

On Linux, stdin/out is always connected. You must run your program from 
a terminal window to see it, otherwise it is silently connected to some 
channel in the background by the desktop environment. It can happen that 
the standard channels are closed, if you run a program in the terminal 
and then close the terminal (which sends SIGHUP to the program). In this 
case the program might later on throw I/O errors, when printing to stdout.


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