Python with text editor

DL Neil PythonList at
Sat May 30 16:16:01 EDT 2020

On 30/05/20 7:42 PM, Preetha M wrote:
> Hello. Thank you for responding to my previous mail. Can someone tell me
> how to connect python to sublime text 3. Whenever I select python and type
> the code, it does not work when I press ctrl+B. Please tell.

ST is an editor/IDE which is not Python-specific. The build system on ST 
is (better) designed (and named) for compiled languages. Python does not 
require a compile-and-build process.

However, we can use the command even though all it does is directly 
execute the code - exactly what we want.

First, manually instruct ST how to build your (current) project: main 
menu > Tools > BuildSystem > Python3 (assumption!). Once done 
(configured), always remembered!

Thereafter, when you select Build (ctrl+b), ST will know that it is 
working on a Python 'build'...
Regards =dn

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