Is there anything in the script which could cause it to not run its full course please?

David Raymond David.Raymond at
Mon May 4 11:35:26 EDT 2020

Not necessarily the cause of your problem, but if you're going to compare dates it should be as objects, or as text as year-month-day. Here you're comparing dates as text in day-month-year format. So January first 9999 comes before May 4th 2020

"01-01-9999" < "04-05-2020"

04-05-2020 09:30:00 40
04-05-2020 12:30:00 40
04-05-2020 15:30:00 40
04-05-2020 22:30:00 40
input_date,input_time,input_duration=date_time_duration.split(' ')
current_datetime =
current_date = current_datetime.strftime('%d-%m-%Y')

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