FW: Pycharm Won't Do Long Underscore

Tony Kaloki tkaloki at live.co.uk
Tue Jun 23 15:18:18 EDT 2020

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From: Tony Kaloki<mailto:Tkaloki at live.co.uk>
Sent: 23 June 2020 19:45
To: python-list at python.org<mailto:python-list at python.org>
Subject: Pycharm Won't Do Long Underscore

Hi Guys,
               I’ve just begun to learn basic computer programming by downloading Python and Pycharm and following Youtube tutorials. But I’ve come across a problem that’s stopped me in my tracks.
     When I try to do a long underscore __  for classes in Pycharm, it only gives me two separate single underscores _ _. This is only in Pycharm, no problems anywhere else. Could you tell me how to fix this, because I can’t find any answers on the web and I’m not sure if I can go any further in my learning without being able to get long underscores.
    Sorry if I’m just being really dense, but like I said I’m an absolute beginner. Thanks for your time,
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