Turning pygame apps into add-ons

DL Neil PythonList at DancesWithMice.info
Wed Jun 10 16:20:22 EDT 2020

On 11/06/20 1:32 AM, elisha hollander wrote:
> I have a folder with my pygame apps, I want to build a program to have a
> nice interface to access those apps from, I want it to be like an actual
> computer, so, I need it to open the apps as rect of something not as
> external apps.
> Is there a way to do it without changing all the codes?
> (I can import the app from the app file, but it won't open in the interface)

Exactly what you want is not clear - maybe a language-translation 
problem, and if so, please don't feel the need to apologise!

What do you mean by "actual computer"?

A rect[angle] is a basic shape for display in Pygame. Do you want the 
name of each app to appear inside a box?

Perhaps if you show us a portion of the code illustrating the import 
(and a portion of the code to be imported) - and then talk about what 
happened, and what you would prefer to be the result?
(remember that this list will only accept text-format attachments (no 
graphic screen-dumps!), so best to copy-paste code/results directly into 
the email message)
Regards =dn

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