about the function in class

xuanwu348 xuanwu348 at 163.com
Fri Jul 17 14:05:24 EDT 2020

Hi, all

There are some methods to define functions in a class, include member functions, static method, class method. 

My question is that which type of function for  "decorate(f),diff_con(f)" 

I think these functions all were  belong to member function, (f <-->self) f can be replace by self.

but how to explain "decorate(f)", "@decorate(f)"
if f == self; then in wrapper function: res = self(*args, **kwargs)
and self means Diff_methods("somgthing") <==> Diff_methods("somgthing")(*args, **kwargs)
But it's not correct. 

lass Diff_methods:

def __init__(self, something):
self.something = something

def decorate(f):
def wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
            start_time = time.time()
            res = f(*args, **kwargs)
            elapse = time.time() - start_time
return res, elapse
return wrapper

def diff_con(f):
def member_function(self, n):
return 2 << n

def static_function():

def class_method(cls):

if __name__ == "__main__":

sssss = Diff_methods("something")

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