App for Moto e6 using Python?

Steve Gronicus at SGA.Ninja
Mon Jul 13 21:53:41 EDT 2020

I am looking for an app for my Moto e6 android phone that will accept a
number of hours and count down.  Then will beep every minute until I cancel
the app.  This is to remind me when to take my insulin.


It has been written in python but I do not know how to convert it to an app.
I wonder how much of the python code will still apply. When I was into this
in the past, I installed Kivy and was able to finally generate a "Hello
World" app and managed to get it to my phone. Then life called me back to
reality and I lost track of what I was doing for a few years. )-:  I doubt I
can go through that installation and learning curve again.


It works on my computer but I have projects that interfere with the alarm.  
This is why I would prefer to have it on my phone.

I appreciate any assistance you can provide.




There's 99 bugs in the code, in the code.

99 bugs in the code.

So I take one down and patch it all around.

Now there's 117 bugs in the code.



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