Debian Buster: ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'mysql'

^Bart gabriele1NOSPAM at
Sat Jan 18 10:44:26 EST 2020

Hi guys,

I'd like to use Python to connect to my MariaDB db, it works from 
phpmyadmin and if I open a console with mysql -u root -p.

I tried:

$ pip search mysql-connector | grep --color mysql-connector-python

mysql-connector-python (8.0.19)                       - MySQL driver 
written in Python
mysql-connector-python-rf (2.2.2)                     - MySQL driver 
written in Python
mysql-connector-python-dd (2.0.2)                     - MySQL driver 
written in Python

$ pip install mysql-connector-python-rf

Requirement already satisfied: mysql-connector-python-rf in 
/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages (2.2.2)

When I try my code (obviously I replaced parameters with mine!):

import mysql.connector

mydb = mysql.connector.connect(


I have:

Traceback (most recent call last):
   File "/home/gabriele/Corso_4.0/Python/", line 1, in 
     import mysql.connector
ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'mysql'

What could I do to fix this issue?! :\


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