How do you find what exceptions a class can throw?

dn PythonList at
Sun Dec 20 05:39:28 EST 2020

On 20/12/2020 22:39, Chris Green wrote:
> I am using poplib.POP3_SSL() and I want to know what exceptions can be
> thrown when I instantiate it.  Presumably it inherits them because
> there's nothing much in the documentation page for poplib.POP3_SSL().
> I specifically want to trap timeout exceptions.
> (... and, yes, I know I should maybe move to IMAP but that's too much
> work at the moment!)

This morning, reading the results of the Virtual Python Core Developer 
Sprint 2020 
and from there, PEP 594 -- Removing dead batteries from the standard 
library (, the impression 
gained is that the old/existing PSL offerings, eg poplib, are soon to be 
deprecated, in favor of asyncio and presumably something like aioimap 

Async handles with timeouts implicitly.

Apologies for the lack of direct-answer. That's as far as my reading has 
taken me. Hopefully someone, more in-the-know, will be able to advise...
Regards =dn

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