Function returns old value

Cameron Simpson cs at
Fri Dec 18 01:09:43 EST 2020

On 17Dec2020 14:22, Michael F. Stemper <mstemper at> wrote:
>On 17/12/2020 03.57, Peter J. Holzer wrote:
>>On 2020-12-17 03:06:32 -0000, Bischoop wrote:
>>>pasting from my IDE to vim/slrn was messing syntax,
>>You can
>>:set paste
>>in vim to prevent it from messing with pasted content (don't forget to
>>set nopaste afterwards).
>What's the difference between that and
>:set ai
>:set noai

Well, based on my experience (since the above is what I always do) that 
leave my automatic line folding and related "line wrapping" stuff still 
in play. Which I routinely have to repair if the pasted code is at all 

[ Experiments with ":set paste". ]

Yeah, the paste mode turns all that wrapping stuff off, and ":set 
nopaste" restores it intact. Ok, I guess I'm going to have to retrain my 
fingers now.

>>With newer vims that's rarely necessary though since they can 
>>between input that was pasted and input that was typed.

Mine doesn't seem to (vim inside a MacOS iTerm).

>I thought that I was going nuts when I encountered that. Any idea how to
>defeat such a so-called 'feature"?

You mean having vim figure that out? I dunno. I came here from vi and 
haven't fully embraced al the stuff vim has.

I _did_ discover recently that somehow iTerm and/or vim knows about my 
vim split buffers and doesn't cross the entirely in-vim-curses window 
boundary, very very handy. I guess iTerm may know about terminal 
scrolling regions, if that's how vim implements the windowing stuff.

Cameron Simpson <cs at>

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