Program chaining on Windows

Rob Cliffe rob.cliffe at
Mon Aug 24 12:27:06 EDT 2020

On 24/08/2020 13:20, Eryk Sun wrote:
> You can work with job objects via ctypes or PyWin32's win32job module.
> I can provide example code for either approach.
No need, I'm already convinced that this is not the way for me to go.
>> from the DOS prompt, it works as expected.
> You're not running DOS. Most likely the shell you're running is CMD or
> PowerShell, attached to a console session that's hosted by either
> conhost.exe (default) or openconsole.exe (an open-source build of
> conhost.exe that's used by the new Windows Terminal). These are
> Windows applications.
I'm running CMD.exe.  Sorry, I didn't realise I was using sloppy language.

Thanks for your very detailed repy, Eryk.
Best wishes
Rob Cliffe

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