How explain why Python is easier/nicer than Lisp which has a simpler grammar/syntax?

Richard Damon Richard at
Fri Aug 7 12:24:25 EDT 2020

On 8/7/20 11:55 AM, Marco Sulla wrote:
> Commonly, in imperative languages like C, you can write
> if (a = b) {...}
> This is allowed in C, even if a = b is not an expression, but an
> assignment statement. 99% of times you simply wrong and wanted:

But in C (and related languages) it IS an expression, and C doesn't have
an 'assignment statement' but an 'expression statement', which is the
source of the issue. = is just another operator, which happens to modify
the value of its left operand.

Python makes assignment a full top level type of statement, so = can't
be misused in an expression thinking it means an equality test (and then
added recently the := operator, so that for the cases you actually want
to do assignments in the middle of an expression you can).

Richard Damon

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