Run code automatically

hanan lamaazi hanan.lamaazi at
Mon Apr 20 04:25:21 EDT 2020

Yes, so to do it I save my code as filename.ipynb and go to terminal (cmd)
I write the following commande:

>> run for x in {1..10}; do (ipython filename.ipynb > /tmp/$x.log) & done

it gives the following error:

ERROR: root:File '''' not found

I use another one:

>> for filename in $(find $Foldername  -name *.py)
   .......:   python $filename

It gives the following error/

File "<ipython-input-7-fda0e2169aa3>", line 1
     for filename in $(find $foldername  -name *.py)

SyntaxError: invalid syntax

Could please suggest me any other solution? or what is wrong with those

Thank you

Le jeu. 16 avr. 2020 à 16:57, Souvik Dutta <souvik.viksou at> a
écrit :

> Do you want to run the code many times after just clicking run once? If so
> then I think grouping the whole program in one for loop would do the task.
> Souvik python dev
> On Thu, Apr 16, 2020, 4:57 PM hanan lamaazi <hanan.lamaazi at>
> wrote:
>> Dear All,
>> I just start the self learning of python, and I tried to use it in jupyter
>> notebook. I work on real dataset and I used pandas for that. Now my
>> problem
>> is I developed two separate code but dependent the first one should run to
>> give me  samples from my dataset and do the clustering (I use Kmeans) and
>> the second should select data from each cluster provided by the first
>> code.
>> My question is:
>> how can I run both code for many times without pushing the bottom "run"
>> each time? make it automatic
>> I tried to use Ipyparallel but seems that I don't know how to use it
>> Thank you
>> --

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