No module named 'gi'

Jon Danniken none at
Mon Apr 13 21:46:11 EDT 2020

Hello all, I am coming up with this error when, after installing 
Dropbox, I try to run Dropbox on my machine (kubuntu 18.04):

$ dropbox start -i
Starting Dropbox...Traceback (most recent call last):
   File "/usr/bin/dropbox", line 1452, in start
   File "/usr/bin/dropbox", line 294, in download
     import gi
ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'gi'

My machine does apparently have gi, however:

$ sudo find / -name "gi"

And this is confirmed through apt:

$ apt show python-gi
Package: python-gi
Version: 3.26.1-2ubuntu1

I read a discussion on a stack exchange where someone suggested to make 
sure not to have a conda environment enabled.  At one point on this 
machine I was playing around with Python (using PyCharm), and installed 
Anaconda (with pip), using it as an environment.  The directory where it 
lived was deleted, and I am wondering if there is some remnant on this 
machine that is causing my issue.

NOTE: I tested the installation of dropbox on a virtual machine of the 
same distro (Kubuntu 18.04) which was never molested with Anaconda, and 
it worked just fine.

I do apparently have a remnant:

$ which conda

$ ll /home/jon/.local/bin/conda
-rwxrwxr-x 1 jon jon 223 Jun 22  2019 /home/jon/.local/bin/conda*

$ conda
ERROR: The install method you used for conda--probably either `pip 
install conda`
or `easy_install conda`--is not compatible with using conda as an 
If your intention is to install conda as a standalone application, currently
supported install methods include the Anaconda installer and the miniconda
installer.  You can download the miniconda installer from

If this is indeed my issue, how can I go about convincing this machine 
that conda should not be considered to be valid?

Thank you for following me thus far, I appreciate any suggestions!


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