PIP question

Gisle Vanem gisle.vanem at gmail.com
Thu Sep 26 10:08:46 EDT 2019

Hello list.

This little program should print the location of all
my installed Python packages:

---------- 8< -- 8< ---------------
import pip

   packages = pip.get_installed_distributions (local_only=False, skip=())
except AttributeError:
   import pkg_resources   # Python3
   packages = pkg_resources.working_set

package_list = []
for p in sorted (packages):
   print ("%-20s -> %s" % (p.key, p.location))

---------- 8< -- 8< ---------------

But for my Python 3.6 installation, it claims I have
an '-ip' package:
-ip        -> f:\programfiler\python36\lib\site-packages

I fail to find one, but I do have a:

directory with some possible leftovers. It there a connection
between this mysterious '-ip' package and this directory?


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