python3 subprocess run sudo cmd in remote failed

lampahome pahome.chen at
Tue Sep 17 01:02:18 EDT 2019

> Well, there's a Python library called "paramiko" which implements ssh.
> That might help.
> Later I will try lol.

> Note also that since stdin and stdout are pipes and not the terminal
> then ssh will not be interactive, and will not allocate a tty at the far
> end either. You can get ssh to open a remote tty with the -t option.
> But I suspect you don't want stdin=PIPE or stdout=PIPE at all. Why are
> they there?
> I thought I can use ps.stdin.write(password), so I make stdin and stdout
be pipe as input and output.

Here are I tried:
>from subprocess import Popen, PIPE
>ps = Popen('ssh -o \'StrictHostKeyChecking no\' hello at \'sudo
sysctl -w vm.drop_caches=3\', shell=True)
>  hello at's password:

>from subprocess import Popen, PIPE
>ps = Popen(['ssh',  '-o \'StrictHostKeyChecking no\'',  '
hello at', '\'sudo sysctl -w vm.drop_caches=3\''])
>  hello at's password:

It always prompt immediately, that make me hard to enter password.
 Maybe I should try  paramiko...

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