nonlocal fails ?

Michael Torrie torriem at
Fri Nov 15 11:03:13 EST 2019

On 11/15/19 4:56 AM, R.Wieser wrote:
>> Well I've only seen this done in languages where other mechanisms
>> for returning complex types are not present.
> :-) Than you have not seen to many languages I'm afraid.

Careful there.

> If I would have wanted that, why would I post here with open questions ? 
> But yes, I often refer to how other languages work, in an attempt to get the 
> other to tell me whats so special/different about the current languages 
> solution for it.

Yes you can learn a certain amount about a language by doing such 1:1
transliteration exercises.  But you can only go so far.  For example
you'll never master such powerful concepts as generators, closures, list
comprehensions, and so forth by doing this.

I've found a far better way is to do a project in a language, either
something you've done already in another language, or something new.
Instead of doing a low-level transliteration, look at the problem at the
high level, and find out how the language at hand best works to solve
the problem. That's why I and others asked what problem you're trying to

Also you seem to be comparing traditional, compiled with statically- but
often weakly-typed languages such as C, C++, Pascal, etc, with Python,
which is an interpreted, dynamically-typed language. They are very
different beasts with different strengths and weaknesses and very
different performance characteristics.

The reason you're getting such push back is that over the years on this
list we've seen dozens of new users arrive at Python but never really
learn how to program in Python.  These users insisted on coding in Java,
C#, or C++ (or whatever) in Python.  Some resist strongly when we
suggest this is a recipe for failure.  It was an exercise in frustration
and most of them left thinking what a horrible, limited language Python
is, and unable to understand what makes Python so productive,
expressive, and powerful.

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