Friday finking: TDD and EAFP

Terry Reedy tjreedy at
Sun Nov 3 18:51:25 EST 2019

Some general thoughts on core development and testing.  For issues, the first Stage choice is 'test needed'.  All 
code patches *should* include new tests.  This was not always so, and we 
are still paying off technical debt. One problem I have encountered with 
idlelib is that some refactoring is needed to make tests easier or even 
possible to write, while refactoring should be preceded by good tests.

*Should* is not always enforced, but skipping them without doing 
adequate manual tests can lead to new bugs, and adequate manual tests 
are tedious and too easy to forget.  I have learned this the hard way.

On 11/3/2019 3:44 PM, Peter J. Holzer wrote:

> On 2019-11-04 07:41:32 +1300, DL Neil via Python-list wrote:
>> Agreed: (in theory) TDD is independent of language or style. However, I'm
>> wondering if (in practice) it creates a mode of thinking that pushes one
>> into an EAFP way of thinking?
> This is exactly the opposite of what you proposed in your first mail,
> and I think it is closer to the truth:
> TDD does in my opinion encourage EAFP thinking.

As in "use the code and if it fails, add a test and fix it" versus "if 
the code can be proven correct, use it".

> The TDD is usually:
>      1 Write a test
>      2 Write the minimal amount of code that makes the test pass
>      3 If you think you have covered the whole spec, stop, else repeat
>        from 1
> This is often (e.g. in [1]) exaggerated for pedagogic and humoristic
> reasons. For example, your first test for a sqrt function might be
>      assert(sqrt(4) == 2)
> and then of course the minimal implementation is
>      def sqrt(x):
>          return 2

The *is* exaggerated.  For math functions, I usually start with a few 
cases, not just 1, to require something more of an implementation.  See 

> Which just means that we don't have enough test cases yet. But the point
> is that a test suite can only check a finite (and usually rather small)
> number of cases, while most interesting programs accept a very large (if
> not really infinite) number of inputs, so the test suite will always be
> incomplete.

I usually try to also test with larger 'normal' values.  When possible, 
we could and I think should make more use of randomized testing.  I got 
this from reading about the Hypothesis module.  See below for one 
example.  A similar example for multiplication might test
     assertEqual(a*b + b, (a+1)*b)
where a and b are random ints.

> At some point you will have to decide thet the test suite is
> good enough and ship the code - and hope that the customer will forgive
> you if you have (inevitably) forgotten an important case.

Possible test for math.sqrt.

from math import sqrt
from random import randint
import unittest

class SqrtTest(unittest.TestCase):

     def test_small_counts(self):
         for i in range(3):
             with self.subTest(i=i):
                 self.assertEqual(sqrt(i*i), i)

     def test_random_counts(self):
         for i in range(100):  # Number of subtests.
             with self.subTest():
                 n = randint(0, 9999999)
                 self.assertEqual(sqrt(n*n), float(n))

     def test_negative_int(self):
         self.assertRaises(ValueError, sqrt, -1)


> There is very little emphasis in TDD on verifying that the code is
> correct - only that it passes the tests.

For the kind of business (non-math) code that seems to be the stimulus 
for TDD ideas, there often is no global definition of 'correct'.

Terry Jan Reedy

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