Conway's game of Life, just because.

Eli the Bearded * at
Tue May 7 14:29:52 EDT 2019

In comp.lang.python, Paul Rubin  < at nospam.invalid> wrote:

Thanks for posting this. I'm learning python and am very familiar with
this "game".

> #!/usr/bin/python3
> from itertools import chain
> def adjacents(cell):            # generate coordinates of cell neighbors
>     x, y = cell                 # a cell is just an x,y coordinate pair
>     return ((x+i,y+j) for i in [-1,0,1] for j in [-1,0,1] if i or j)

This line confuses me. How do you expect "if i or j" to work there?

>>> for pair in adjacents((0,0)):
...    print(pair)
(-1, -1)
(-1, 0)
(-1, 1)
(0, -1)
(0, 1)
(1, -1)
(1, 0)
(1, 1)
>>> def neighboring(cell):
...     x, y = cell
...     return ((x+i,y+j) for i in [-1,0,1] for j in [-1,0,1])
>>> for pair in neighboring((0,0)):
...    print(pair)
(-1, -1)
(-1, 0)
(-1, 1)
(0, -1)
(0, 0)
(0, 1)
(1, -1)
(1, 0)
(1, 1)

is the torus game board unintentional?

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