Checking network input processing by Python for a multi-threaded server

Markus Elfring Markus.Elfring at
Wed May 1 14:56:10 EDT 2019

> 	Why not provide them so that anyone trying to analyze what you are
> seeing can try them for themselves.

I assume that an other information system can be more appropriate
for file distribution than this mailing list.

> 	Starting a full process takes time

This is usual. - Such an action would be necessary for the test case.

> 	Do you have ANY synchronization enabled,

I would expect that this is provided by the run time system for the
Python scripting language.

> 	so that you start all the children

The main process waits on the exit for the single started command
in each loop iteration.

> and they all wait for a single "go" signal to be set


> -- so that they all start processing at the same time?

I suggest to take another look at the description for the test algorithm.

> 	No idea what is in each loop...

An instance for the class “threaded_TCP_server” and a call of “…)”.

> 	If there is only one list (implied by #1)

There are two lists adjusted.

1. Storage for received records before the statement “server.shutdown()”
   (and a reset to an empty list) is executed at the end of each loop iteration.

2. List lengths are recorded for analysis after the data collection phase.

> 	Again, it is not clear what is being counted here...

How many record sets were stored and are accessible at one point in time
in such a data structure?

> 	What is an "incidence", how is "available records" determined?

The generated table shows how often a specific number of record sets
was temporarily available for further data processing.
I would expect that the correct count should be 100 (once) here
(instead of the display of deviations from the original six test records).

> 	Also, TCP is a stream protocol, not a record protocol.

This view is generally fine.

JSON data structures are transmitted by the discussed approach.

> A client could use, say, 6 separate .send() operations,

This should be happening in this test.

> while the server receives everything in a single .recv() call.

I hope that the execution of the statement “server.shutdown()” triggers
a separation in the reported inter-process communication.


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