configparser - which one?

DL Neil PythonList at
Mon Mar 25 22:58:32 EDT 2019


On 26/03/19 1:10 PM, Dave wrote:
> I use Python3 3, and expected learning how to use configparser would be 
> no big deal.  Well!  Seems there is configparser, stdconfigparser, and 
> safeconfigparser, and multiple ways to set the section and entries to 
> the section.  A little confusing.  I want to future-proof may code, so 
> what should I be using?

(with apologies for not answering the question directly)

After striking this problem, I was encouraged to take a look at JSON, 
and thence YAML. Once there, as they say, didn't look back!
- multi-dimensional possibilities, cf .ini
- similarity/correspondence with Python data structures
- convenient PSL
- easily adopted by (power-)users, cf Python code


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Regards =dn

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