Determining latest stable version for download

Michael Torrie torriem at
Thu Mar 21 20:55:19 EDT 2019

On 03/21/2019 09:36 AM, Tim Johnson wrote:
>   Michael, I should have asked the following question:
>   Would I be able to install from the EPEL Repository or the Redhat
>   Software Collections to a local ~/bin?

I am not sure, but have my doubts. Software Collections distributes
software in RPM, with pathes hardcoded to /opt/rh/.

You may be able to use "alien" to convert the RPM to a tarball that you
could untar somewhere in your home directory.  The scripts to "enable" a
software collections module into your current path would work regardless
of install point.  Maybe this is faster than compiling from source?  I'm
not sure.

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