Python resources recommendations

DL Neil PythonList at
Sat Mar 9 20:18:55 EST 2019


On 10/03/19 12:41 PM, Alex Kaye wrote:
> DL,
> Good advice.
> U of M is well done and interesting.

Actually, I criticised them - but was looking at matters such as 
"delivery" and from a cognitive psychology perspective - on behalf of, 
but quite different to, the needs of 'the average' trainee!

 From a programming/Pythonic view-point, I sadly noted Java-influence 
creeping-in: weak use of Python terminology, pythonic coding approaches, 
and similar. Probably won't hurt the average beginner, but not the best 
training approach.

At the moment, there are a number of unhappy people who purchased the 
entire specialisation (five courses), but currently stalled because the 
last course will not be produced and ready for use until early next 
month. Slightly naughty, but courseware needs to be carefully 
constructed and that (as per program design) is both time-consuming and 
something it pays not to rush!

On the plus-side, the material covers the ground, and does-so quite 
quickly. I haven't seen any feedback from 'beginners' to be sure of 
pace. There are a number of interesting worked-examples, which can be a 
point-of-boredom in training/'toy examples' (I played with Python's 
"turtle", simply because I'd never touched that sort of thing before).

So, to the OP, please put my bias(es) aside, take AK's positive 
experience, and try it for yourself...
(you can always start-out $free, and once satisfied, return later to 
fulfil the requirements and achieve certification!)

> One wonders what Arup plans to use Python for.

That's a very good point, which I didn't cover, earlier. Whereas 
previously one started with books that might be called 'Python for raw 
beginners' or some-such, these days there are plenty of more specialised 
books, eg 'Learn Python for Data Science', etc.

> I am dabbling and am relearning from DOS and machine language on AppleII.

Which is another somewhat specialised area: MicroPython, Python for 
Raspberry Pi, and similar for other smaller/older machines, SBCs, etc! 
We now risk confusing the OP...

I remember those words - back in the days when my hair had color (and 
not from out of a bottle either). Using the power of Linux, every day I 
see much of the 'old' from DOS, CP/M, PDP minis; in our ever-green 
terminal interface. However, despite much of my hardware being 'old' (by 
other people's standards) I have no wish to go back as far as the Apple 
][ - floppy disks, poor-quality display screens, etc. IMHO, there's too 
much to learn, attempting to keep-up with 'the modern stuff', the 
opening of new vistas... However, I can imagine the appeal of 'history'. 
Have fun!

Regards =dn

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