User failed to install PIP

Barry Scott barry at
Mon Jun 24 04:42:33 EDT 2019

I guess you attached an image of the error message.
I also going to guess that you are a windows user.

All attachments are stripped on this list.

You will need to explain in text what you did and what the error message was.

Note that PIP is install when you install python.
Have you installed python?

Once python is installed you can run PIP like this:

	C:\Users\barry> py -m pip

	  C:\Python37.win64\python.exe -m pip <command> [options]


> On 23 Jun 2019, at 14:27, Sagar Jape <sagar.jape.1 at> wrote:
> I'm not able to install pip in my pc it gives following error. what should
> I do?
> -- 

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