Trying to figure out the data type from the code snippet

Chupo bad_n_mad at
Thu Jan 31 15:31:55 EST 2019

In article <mailman.464.1548964847.4816.python-list at>, Chris 
Angelico <rosuav at> says...
> There are stupid questions, but I enjoy answering those too. You don't
> need to apologize for asking these questions. All you need to do is
> ignore the trolls like Rick. In fact, if you abandon Google Groups and
> instead read the mailing list python-list at, you can just
> leave behind all the people who've been blocked.

Thank you for the tip.

I am in fact not using Google Groups but am accessing comp.lang.python 
via nntp:// by using a newsreader.

I think Google Groups destroyed usenet.
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