How do I get a python program to work on my phone?

Steve Gronicus at SGA.Ninja
Mon Jan 28 10:29:24 EST 2019

This is my first message to this forum, I am not sure how to submit it so
please correct me if I am not doing this properly.

Being new to python as of a year ago December and have extensive programming
experience: C++, VBasic, HTML etc...  I installed Python and wrote a program
that documents my blood readings enough that my A1c results went from 9.1 to
6.4 in about two months and have had low numbers since.

I now want to run it on my MotoG phone.  The program accepts keyed in data
and will access two text files to keep data and I would like to have the
program chime my phone to remind me to take the next reading.

First step is to get it running in my phone
How do I do it?  What software do I need to make the transfer?


Zamboni locks up after running into a large patch of loose teeth.

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