Most elegant way to do something N times

Avi Gross avigross at
Mon Dec 23 20:51:24 EST 2019

I would like some examples of how one does what is requested in some other
programming languages. I doubt there is much need of a shorter way to do
anything N times and throw away any return values.

Python has many ways to do just about anything. It has some features which
suggest a particular way that many accept as pythonic. If there was a need
to do something like:

	repeat_n( times=6, funct=fun, moreargs=whatever)

then someone probably would have included it.

So, yes, a fairly short and often clear method is:

	for _ in range(6): ...

And others have shown multiple ways to get something similar to what you
want. Want real clarity for exactly six times?

# Do this six times:

Heck, the above may even run faster without loop overhead.

Like Marco, it would be interesting to hear actual examples where it makes
sense to repeat something the same way N times. Many such examples do have
ways to do it trivially. I mean if you want to line up text and need N
copies of say an asterisk or space, you can often use something like 

"*" * 5

And the techniques to repeat some function call N times with the arguments
varying each time, can be handled many other ways too including map
functions and comprehensions.

I am left wondering if this is not about the real world but simply an
academic exercise.
-----Original Message-----
From: Python-list < at> On
Behalf Of Marco Sulla
Sent: Monday, December 23, 2019 6:12 PM
To: Batuhan Taskaya
< at>
Cc: Ian Kelly |python-list at|
<python-list at>
Subject: Re: Most elegant way to do something N times

> I encounter with cases like doing a function 6 time with no argument, 
> or same arguments over and over or doing some structral thing N times 
> and I dont know how elegant I can express that to the code.

??? Excuse me, but why you needed to call the same function SIX times? This
seems to me not elegant in primis.

Can you give us a practical example?

On Sun, 22 Dec 2019 at 21:38, Batuhan Taskaya <isidentical at> wrote:

> I encounter with cases like doing a function 6 time with no argument, 
> or same arguments over and over or doing some structral thing N times 
> and I dont know how elegant I can express that to the code. I dont 
> know why but I dont like this for _ in range(n): do() thing. Any
> --

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