Extending property using a Subclass - single method - why Super(Baz, Baz).name.__set__ ?

Peter Otten __peter__ at web.de
Tue Dec 3 06:16:12 EST 2019

Veek M wrote:

> class Foo(object):
>     @property
>     def name(self):
>         if hasattr(self, '_name'):
>             print('Foo name', self._name)
>             return self._name
>         else:
>             return 'default'
>     @name.setter
>     def name(self, value):
>         print('Foo', self)
>         self._name = value
>         print(self._name)
>     @name.deleter
>     def name(self):
>         print('del')
>         self._name = None
>     print('Foo', name)
> class Baz(Foo):
>     @property
>     def name(self):
>         print('Baz wrapper around getter')
>         return super().name
>     @Foo.name.setter

This looks like a bug as the read-only property defined above is overwritten 
by a copy of the name poperty of the base class (with an updated setter).

>     def name(self, value):
>         print('Baz wrapper around setter')
>         print(self)
>         print(super(Baz,Baz).name, value)
>         return super(Baz, Baz).name.__set__(self, value)

When you want to invoke a method of the base class property you have to look 
up that property in the base class. This is what super(Baz, Baz).name does.


for read access is an exception. The __get__() method is invoked implicitly 
which is probably also the reason why you cannot write 
super().name.somepropertymethod(...) for anything else.

> b = Baz()
> print('print', b.name)
> b.name = 'v'
> print(b.name)
> Why do we user super(Baz, Baz) - are we setting a class variable called
> Baz.name which would trigger Baz._name = value?
> We are essentially doing:
> Foo.name.__set__(Baz, value) ?
> How come 'self' is not used.. like in the traditional property way where
> we pass an instance reference instead of a class?

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