Converting list of tuple to list

Tim Chase python.list at
Thu Mar 29 11:37:21 EDT 2018

On 2018-03-29 20:42, Ganesh Pal wrote:
> I have a list of tuple say   [(1, 2, 1412734464L, 280), (2, 5,
> 1582956032L, 351), (3, 4, 969216L, 425)] .  I need to convert the
> above as ['1,2,1412734464:280',
> '2,5,1582956032:351', '3,4,969216:425']
> Here is my Solution , Any  suggestion or optimizations are welcome .
> Solution 1:
> >>> list_tuple = [(1, 2, 1412734464L, 280), (2, 5, 1582956032L,
> >>> 351), (3, 4, 969216L, 425)]
> >>> expected_list = []  
> >>> for elements in list_tuple:  
> ...     element = "%s,%s,%s:%s" % (elements)
> ...     expected_list.append(element)

First, I'd do this but as a list comprehension:

  expected_list = [
    "%s,%s,%s:%s" % elements
    for elements in list_tuple

Second, it might add greater clarity (and allow for easier
reformatting) if you give names to them:

  expected_list = [
    "%i,%i,%i:%i" % (
    for index, count, timestamp, weight in list_tuple

That way, if you wanted to remove some of the items from formatting
or change their order, it's much easier.

Since your elements seem to be in the order you want to assemble them
and you are using *all* of the elements, I'd go with the first one.
But if you need to change things up (either omitting fields or
changing the order), I'd switch to the second version.


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