using trace module in enthought

Terry Reedy tjreedy at
Sat Jun 30 18:14:07 EDT 2018

On 6/30/2018 12:46 PM, Sharan Basappa wrote:
> I am using enthought for python. Trace module seems to be very useful for my work but somehow I am unable to make it work.
> When I use the following option, I get the following error:
> %run

What is 'run' and what does it do?  Does not exist on Windows.
And why use it instead of 'python'?  What OS? What Python version?

  -m trace  --trace "D:/Projects/Initiatives/machine 
> UsageError: option --trace not recognized ( allowed: "nidtN:b:pD:l:rs:T:em:G" )

This does not look error message from current trace module.

f:\dev\3x>python -m trace -x
Running Debug|Win32 interpreter...
usage: [-h] [--version] [-c] [-t] [-l] [-T] [-r | -R] [-f FILE]
                 [-C COVERDIR] [-m] [-s] [-g] [--ignore-module 
                 [--ignore-dir IGNORE_DIR]
                 [filename] ... error: unrecognized arguments: -x

Terry Jan Reedy

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