configparser v/s file variables

Jim Lee jlee54 at
Wed Jun 27 19:09:09 EDT 2018

On 06/27/18 15:19, Steven D'Aprano wrote:
> On Wed, 27 Jun 2018 12:15:23 -0700, Jim Lee wrote:
>>     It seems a bit silly to me to worry about arbitrary code execution
>>     in
>> an interpreted language like Python whose default runtime execution
>> method is to parse the source code directly.  An attacker would be far
>> more likely to simply modify the source to achieve his ends rather than
>> try to inject a payload externally.
> Spoken like a single user on a single-user machine who has administrator
> privileges and can write to anything anywhere.
...which is exactly the case I was trying to illustrate.  Another is the 
elevation of privileges (in a multi-user environment)  due to any of a 
number of methods.  The point is that the source code exists in the 
execution environment, and once one gains access to that code, one 
doesn't *need* anything else.



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