translating foreign data

Richard Damon Richard at
Sat Jun 23 06:26:22 EDT 2018

On 6/22/18 11:21 PM, Steven D'Aprano wrote:
> On Fri, 22 Jun 2018 20:06:35 +0100, Ben Bacarisse wrote:
>> Steven D'Aprano <steve+comp.lang.python at> writes:
>>> On Fri, 22 Jun 2018 11:14:59 +0100, Ben Bacarisse wrote:
>>>>>> The code page remark is curious.  Will some "code pages" have digits
>>>>>> that are not ASCII digits?
>>>>> Good question.  I have no idea.
>>>> It's much more of an open question than I thought.
>>> Nah, Python already solves that for you:
>> My understanding was that the OP does not (reliably) know the encoding,
>> though that was a guess based on a turn of phrase.
> I took it the other way: that Ethan *does* know the encoding, and his 
> problem is that knowing the encoding and/or locale is not enough to 
> recognise whether to use a period or comma as the decimal separator.
> Which it isn't.
If you know the Locale, then you do know what the decimal separator is,
as that is part of what a locale defines. The issue is that if you just
know the encoding, you don't necessarily know the locale. He also
commented that he didn't want to set the locale in the routine, as that
sets it globally for the full application (but perhaps that latter could
be fixed by first doing a locale.getlocale(), then setlocale for the
files locale, and then at the end of reading and processing restore back
the old locale.
> If he doesn't know the encoding, he has bigger problems than just 
> converting strings into floats. Without knowing the encoding, he cannot 
> even reliably detect non-ASCII digits at all.
>> Another guess is that the OP does not have Unicode data.  The term "code
>> page" hints at an 8-bit encoding or at least a pre-Unicode one.
> Assuming he is using Python 3, or using Python 2 sensibly, once he has 
> specified the encoding and read the data from the file, he has Unicode.
> Unicode is a superset of (ideally) all code pages. Once you have decoded 
> the data using the appropriate code page, you have a Unicode string, and 
> Python doesn't care where it came from.
> The point is, once Ethan can get the intended characters out of the file 
> into Python, it doesn't matter what code page they came from. They're now 
> full-fledged Unicode characters, and Python's float() and int() functions 
> can easily deal with non-ASCII digits. So long as he has digits in the 
> first place, float() and int() will deal with them correctly.

Richard Damon

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