syntax difference

Jim Lee jlee54 at
Mon Jun 18 18:10:27 EDT 2018

On 06/18/2018 02:36 PM, Schachner, Joseph wrote:
> Now that you know that 1) You are not required to modify your source code at all, even if you want to get full utility from typing, and 2) you really don't have use typing at all, nothing forces you to,  and 3) it's been developed by the Python community for years and was proposed by Guido years before he went to DropBox,  does that help?
> -- Joe S.
Not at all.  As Rick said, you cannot *unsee* what other programmers 
have written.  Just because I don't personally use a feature, it doesn't 
follow that I can ignore it.  I still have to deal with other people's code.


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