How to apply filters to posts

Cameron Simpson cs at
Thu Jun 14 19:51:35 EDT 2018

On 14Jun2018 09:23, Tamara Berger <brgrt2 at> wrote:
>Thanks, Rhodri. One more question. What is a daily digest? I'm wondering 
>whether to choose that option.

Please don't use the digest mode.

They're a terrible way to read lists, and an even worse way to participate - 
your replies will never be correctly associate with any particular discussion 
thread and unless you're paying attention, won't even have a decent subject 
line (which, BTW, is _not_ how discussion threads are connected together).

Instead, filter the list messages to their own GMail label and skip your inbox.  
That way the whole list is off to the side under its own section which you can 
visit whenever you want to instead of cluttering your inbox.

Also, the discussion threads will be nicely collected together, with the most 
recent at the top where they're easy to see. If the threads you're interested 
in have a new reply, that thread should be up near the top.

Cameron Simpson <cs at>

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