Splitting up large python module impact on performance?

Cameron Simpson cs at cskk.id.au
Tue Jun 12 20:32:49 EDT 2018

On 12Jun2018 15:00, Bill Deegan <bill at baddogconsulting.com> wrote:
>I'm doing some refactoring on a fairly large python codebase.
>Some of the files are > 4000 lines long and contain many classes.
>Should I expect any performance hit from splitting some of the classes out
>to other files?

In general, nothing significant. Yes, your programs will load more files than 
before. But only once per invocation.

If you really have concerns here you would need to measure the change, not just 
in a stub "import old_module and quit" vs "import new module in pieces and 
quit" but against a larger program doing significant work. The former will let 
you measure how big the impact generally is, but the latter will tell you if it 

Also, where does the cost go? In reading the .py code, or in compiling the code 
to whatever internal form your Python interpreter runs against?

If the (time) cost is greater for the compilation versus the opening a few 
files, then you might actually win with the breakup if most programmes do not 
need to import _all_ the library pieces.

I think I'm saying: don't worry unless your applications are very time critical 
(eg invoked very frequently and/or doing almost nothing after the "import" 
phase) or you notice a significant slowdown after your changes. And it is 
usually easier to stick things back together than it was to pull them apart if 
that happens.

Cameron Simpson <cs at cskk.id.au>

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